It takes 90 days for a new cell to generate. We lose thousands of cells per day. A new cell is created from raw materials we consume. Do you want your new cells to be made up of Diet Coke or Wild Blueberries? Processed foods made in a lab or real foods, grown under the sun? Feeding cells organic, nutrient dense food is key for building a new body. This is when we see the body begin to heal and chronic health issues begin to disappear.
Unfortunately, our diets aren’t perfectly organic and it’s getting increasingly difficult to eat in the way our inherit biology needs to thrive. The soil in the United States in almost depleted with nutrients from spraying chemicals and adding hormones etc. Even the farms have disconnected from nature, only hurting the us/our society in the process. This is why it’s incredibly important to seek organic, small batched, and wildcrafted supplementation for cellular health. We need to start feeding and hydrating our cells for optimal function. Book a consultation with me if you need guidance on where to begin.